$BCAT43 - ballincat43

Supply: 100M
Tax: 2/2

CA: 0xd41fc515AE861a86d34fe84b658fd03d28cBac3E
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$BCAT43 - Thank you ballincat43. Ballincat43 refers to the TikTok page @ballincaat43 which is a 30core and Pinkcore account that centers on an image of a cat dunking a basketball. The account spawned the phrase "Thank You Ballincat43" which became a spam comment in comment sections across TikTok in mid-2023. Ballincat43 took inspiration from the precursor 30core creator Bludlung who similarly started their videos with "Thank You Bludlung," similar to a hip-hop producer tag. Ballincat43 gained fan accounts and TikTok sounds. Many of the account's edits used videos from TikToker @evilahhfatguy and the "pluh" sound effect.

Ca: 0X00000000000000000000